Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Issues in publication is quite hard for me before I start learning it. Nevertheless, I have acquired many skills and theories on designing features for example a blogger can use some tables and pictures to present the ideas and this will enhance the understanding of readers. According to Schriver (1997), visual examples are playing crucial role in presenting or publishing.

Besides that, I have also learnt some document design from Reep(2006). She gave me a good concept on designing my blog and my document, for instance the color and proportion balancing.

Apart from these design methods and principles, I have learnt some codes of ethics while I was doing the research. Different countries have different codes of ethics for the journalists to practice. For example, one of the code of ethics from Al Jazeera(2010) is welcome fair and honest media competition but National Union of Journalists Malaysia(NUJM) (n.d) does not have the code of ethics.

All these code of ethics are guide for journalism to publish news articles and pictures. I have learnt how to write ethically and avoid from copyrighted, plagiarism, discrimination and invasion of privacy.


AL JAZEERA 2010, Code of Ethics, viewed 13rd November 2011, .

National Union of Journalists Malaysia n.d., NUJ Code Of Ethics, viewed 13rd November 2011, <http://www.nujm.org/aboutus/body.htm#2>.

Reep D 2006, Principles of document design’, in Technical writing, 6th edn, Pearson Edu, Inc., New York.

Schriver, KA 1997, Dynamics in document design, Wiley Computer Pub, New York.

Ethical Journalism

The article entitled ‘Media Prima pulls out ‘racist’ Ramadan ads’ by Yow Hong Chieh indicates that Media Prima Bhd deleted a controversial series of Ramadan commercials on 8TV channel. This advertisement had drawn much attention from public when it was released. Besides that, there are many complains and criticism from public because the advertisement was about a Chinese girl who eating apple in public and being loud during Muslim fasting month. After that, Media Prima explained that the advertisement is just a suggestion for non-Muslims what to do and behave during Ramadan. Then, the Media Prima chief operating officer Ahmad Izham Omar also calmed the public by updating topics on Twitter. In addition, Media Prima had done the same action last year after the Hari Raya advertisement was released. Apart from pulling out the advertisements, 8TV was fined by Malaysia Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) in 2004 because of the advertisement matter.

Schriver (1997) stated that content is important even if the pictures or images are attractive. Hence, the content not only must be meaningful, but also must be neutral and do not have any bad attitudes towards others.

In addition, there are many codes of ethics in different fields of media. Although the code of ethics is just a guide, I think that it is very important as all these ethics will improve the content or work. To publish news or an advertisement without any criticism and controversy, journalists and advertisers have to obey the ethics, for example, programs should not use language or images in a way which is likely to discriminate against any religious or cultural.

According to Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) (2011), there is a code of ethic to remind journalist do not put unnecessary emphasis on personal characteristics including race, religious belief and others.

Thus, codes of ethics are the guide for producing good context and ethical journalism.


Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance 2011, Media Alliance Codes of Ethics, viewed 13rd November 2011, <http://www.alliance.org.au/media-alliance-code-of-ethics>.

Schriver, KA 1997, Dynamics in document design, Wiley Computer Pub, New York.

No more news articles ??

The article ’85% of Media Websites Now Use Online Video To Cover News’ highlights the survey from DS Simon on the use of video in presenting online news and how the media websites work. The survey which investigates more than 1000 respondents in different fields of media from D S Simon Web showed that video is playing an important role in online media as there are many readers or consumers prefer watching a short news video to reading a long news article.

Dennis and Merrill (2006) explained that new media, also known as new medium, is an interactive form of communication that using the Internet. The characterisation of Internet such as massive storage, easy accessibility and interactivity benefit the users of new media

Besides that, DS Simon survey also found that media websites having a trend of selling advertising as video is a good medium for monetization with pre-roll and post-roll advertising and more.

According to Richard (n.d), online marketing can save the money on traditional advertising such as fliers and newspaper advertisement. I believe that this is the main reason of media selling advertising on the website.

Furthermore, the survey indicated that radio stations, magazines and newspapers are more using third-party video to produce content externally compare to television stations. Additionally, the survey illustrated that almost all forms of media have changed themselves into online networks and the most of the respondents believe that the trend of using online video will increase from 2010 to 2011.

In my opinion, it is true that most of the media are using online video to present the news today. In addition, I think that this online video do really save the time of readers because I am one of them who prefer watching video news instead of reading a long news article. Besides that, video is more useful than news article as video will be more effective in enhancing understanding of readers or audiences. Therefore, the use of video will be increased and the news articles will be less and less in future.


Richard, CA n.d., Benefits of the Internet for Business, eHow, viewed 13rd November 2011, .

Wadsworth,T 2006, ‘Media Bias and Political Leanings’, in Media Debates: Great Issues for the Digital Age,( eds) Dennis,EE & Merill,JC, Thomson Corporation, Belmont CA, USA, pp. 81-91.

Online Privacy

Today, there are many media and journalists get the information and news stories by hacking into the phones and computers of celebrities or people who involved. This action is unethical and illegal in journalism but there is nobody has been charged and no newspapers have yet been identified by the police.

I think these are the main reason why invasion of privacy are being so serious in journalism nowadays. There is an example about Miley Cyrus who is one of the famous actresses was hacked by people in Tweeter. The hacker wrote something bad about Miley Cyrus on the Twitter and this account was suspended by Twitter later.

Referring to Privacy Rights Clearinghouse / UCAN (2011) about online privacy, there are still no actual policies for govern the Internet therefore the Internet still remains largely unregulated. Additionally, laws concerning online privacy are still being developed.

Social Networking like Facebook, Twitter contain information of users or consumers as these sites are to help people to keep in touch with friends and built relationship and connections to other Internet users. According to Pickup (2011), the number of hacks has almost doubled in less than two years since 2009.

Besides that, invasion of privacy is against journalism ethics. Al Jazeera’s Code of Ethics (2010) mentioned that journalist should observe transparency in dealing with the news and its sources while adhering to the internationally established practices concerning the rights of these sources.

In my opinion, although public interest is very important, journalist should use fair, responsible and honest to obtain information and material. They have to treat the audiences with due respect while giving full consideration to individual privacies and public.


AL JAZEERA 2010, Code of Ethics, viewed 13rd November 2011, <http://english.aljazeera.net/aboutus/2006/11/2008525185733692771.html>.

Pickup, O., 2011. Third of teens say they've had their Facebook or Twitter accounts hacked into, according to survey. Daily Mail, [online] (Last updated at 3:53 PM on 6th October 2011). Available at < http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2046045/Third-teens-say-theyve-Facebook-Twitter-accounts-hacked-into.html> [Accessed 13rd November 2011].

UCAN 2011, Fact sheet 18: online privacy: using the internet safely, privacy rights clearinghouse, viewed on 13rd November 2011, from <http://www.privacyrights.org/fs/fs18-cyb.htm#Browsing>.

Independent and ethical publishing

Orthodox Jewish paper apologises for Hillary Clinton deletion, this article had attracted public attentions as this photo involved the president of United States, Barack Obama, and his staff though The White house had no comment on the removal of the women from the photo. The article illustrates that the photo published by an Orthodox Jewish newspaper had deleted the images of two women from the original photo. They explained that women’s images should not be published as women should be appreciated and this action is a kind of respect for women. Anyway, The White House which issued the photo had no any reply to this altered picture.

Photojournalism is a type of journalism that using picture to tell a story, so the pictures have to be independent and true (Smith, 2011). Schriver (1997) indicated that pictures are very important in publishing as they can improve the understanding of the readers. In addition, Schriver (1997) highlighted that all the verbal and visual examples have to be selected carefully because the examples will help to increase the trustworthy.

I believe that every country or organization has different ethics and principles in publishing news or photos but I think that removing or editing the photo without the owner’s authority is unfair and it is plagiarized. There is a news article from The Editors Weblog stating that it is fair use of work even though reposting the article in its entirely and without the owner’s authority, but I think that respect and act independently are important to journalists.

According to Society of Professional Journalists (USA), journalists should act independently for example free of obligation to any interest other than the public’s rights to know. Additionally, ethical journalists should treat sources and subjects as human beings deserving of respect.

Hence, publishing some altered picture which containing wrong information is an unrespected action in journalism. It not only involves copyrighted and authority problems, but also against the principles of ethical publishing.


Schriver, KA 1997, Dynamics in document design, Wiley Computer Pub, New York.

Smith, S.E n.d, What is Photojournalism?, wisegeek, viewed 13rd November 2011, <http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-photojournalism.htm >

SPJ Code of Ethics 1996, Society of Professional Journalists, viewed 13rd November 2011, <http://www.spj.org/ethicscode.asp >